Friday, November 10, 2006

A New World Order

Finally, hope has been given to me in politics. Even if I completely disagreed with the campaign that democracts ran. To quote
(I love that that was the Democrat slogan, by the way…it’s like…umm…we don’t
know exactly where we’re going…but…umm…it’ll be new. We don’t even step out onto the limb and maybe say it’ll also be ‘improved’!)

Once again the campaign was not about what the Democracts can offer, but that we're tired of George W. And there's nobody more tired of him than me... But that's no way to run a campaign. It didn't work in 2004. It BARELY worked here. I hope the Democracts realize that they have to do some seriously good work and start putting together a unified platform. We won't have Bush to kick around in 2008 so we actually have to stand for something, and put it together in a cohesive message!

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