Friday, December 01, 2006

Name Change

I'm thinking about a name change on the blog. I don't update that often, and I don't have a ton, if ANY readers.

I was just trying to get to the blog, and it took me 3 tries to get it right. I wasn't focused so I kept typing the wrong thing. Not sure what to change it to.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Science and Religion

A good article on the Newsweek website

My favorite quote: Religion is " a crazy old aunt who tells lies and causes us all kinds of trouble, but was beautiful once and was with us a long time."


Friday, November 10, 2006

Same Old Bush.

Wednesday morning Mr. Bush was trying to act all humble and respectful. I'm looking forward to working with Ms. Pelosi and the Democrats... yada, yada, yada... Bipartisanship, yada, yada, yada.

Then he has the freakin' gaul to ask the current Republican House and Senate to pass controversial items. Kudos to Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee for standing his ground. We'll gladly welcome him into our fold! We take the ones the Republicans don't want! Remember Jeffords?

And who said Leiberman was out for himself: Lieberman: Call me a Democrat.
Of course he'll head the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. And he retains his senoirity if he comes back as a Democract. But it's still a selfless act... right!

Now, I have no problem in giving him these concession if it keeps him voting Democratic on most issues. But lets not pretend he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart. Jeffords felt slighted by the way he was treated by Bush and that's why he turned independent. Lets keep Lieberman close.

A New World Order

Finally, hope has been given to me in politics. Even if I completely disagreed with the campaign that democracts ran. To quote
(I love that that was the Democrat slogan, by the way…it’s like…umm…we don’t
know exactly where we’re going…but…umm…it’ll be new. We don’t even step out onto the limb and maybe say it’ll also be ‘improved’!)

Once again the campaign was not about what the Democracts can offer, but that we're tired of George W. And there's nobody more tired of him than me... But that's no way to run a campaign. It didn't work in 2004. It BARELY worked here. I hope the Democracts realize that they have to do some seriously good work and start putting together a unified platform. We won't have Bush to kick around in 2008 so we actually have to stand for something, and put it together in a cohesive message!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


And Be Diligent. In 2004, when I lived in St. Louis there were definitely "issues" that were never investigated. Missouris is heavily a Republican state, but the city itself is more Democratic. The district we lived was also heavily Democratic. On Election day, we showed up to vote early. The Republican judge didn't show up for an HOUR, which meant no voting could take place. A LOT of people left and I'm sure some never made it back. Keep this in mind as you go to the polls.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Should You Be Tested Before You Vote???

After this conversation I just had, I'll have to say, YES!

Now, I'm not suggesting bringing back racist tactics to keep minorities from voting. I'm talking about keeping idiots from voting!

Conversation I just had:

Co-worker: "Know what ticks me off? Everyone I want to vote for is losing in the polls!"
ME: "Really? Like who?" (I'm curious because some of my dogs are behind)
Co-worker: "Like ********. He should win because he looks funny."
ME: In that case, you probably shouldn't vote.

There should be a test. If you can't pass a simple quiz about a candidate you shouldn't be able to vote for them, OTHER than voting along a party line.

Okay, since this is the Internet and sarcasm is lost, I'll be clear, I'm joking....

sort of....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Test

Dinosaur fossil spills its guts, out come worms
God is determined to test us!

Now that I have a daughter, stories like this bring tears to my eyes.
Tot probably did not see mom die, cop testifies

I agree, but it's because they SUCK!

Course correction? White House tosses Iraq mantra
Really??? Bush saying something misleading about the war? Well it's a step up, it's not an outright lie.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

George W. Bushisms II

The man is a great orator.

(this is a more famous one - 4/9/2002

"And so, in my State of the - my State of the Union - or state - my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation - I asked Americans to give 4,000 years - 4,000 hours over the next - the rest of your life - of service to America. That's what I asked - 4,000 hours."

Now a completely wrong quote from, "Family Guy."

"I'm like that Texas woman who gave her son brain damage by holding him under water... I'm just like Barbara Bush!"
- Lois.

Monday, August 28, 2006

George W. Bushisms

I have a quote calendar at my desk of things George Bush has said. It scares me sometimes the things he says... HOWEVER, this was interesting.

From August 24th, 2006:
(the quote is from 1/22/04, he was advising New Mexico senator Pete Domenici (a quail hunter)

"Just remember it's the birds that's supposed to suffer, no the hunter."

Apparently Cheney wasn't there for this comment.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Election 2008

"This is the first presidential election since 1928 in which neither party has an incumbent president or vice president attempting to get his party's nomination."


OK... for now, I'm ending here, I had a whole big post about Hillary Clinton, but it got lost... Frustration! Must be the current administration trying to censor me! Maybe I'll try again later, I saved most of the rough notes I had.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lamont vs Lieberman- Round 1 goes to Lamont.

My interest in politics has waned over the years, all thanks to our current President. I vomit in my mouth a little, every time he talks. But I currently live in a state where there was a heavily contested Senate seat available. The Primary battle pitted Democrat Lamont vs Psuedo Republican Lieberman. Ned Lamont managed to win the primary, but can Lieberman win re-election as a Independent?

I can't say I'm sorry to see Mr. Lieberman lose the primary, he's a bit too conservative for my taste. By his support of the war in Iraq, and his belief in meddling in our private 'medical' lives, sometimes I think he's an Abermoff photo away from being a Republican.

However, I do have mixed emotions about Lieberman losing. Technically, he was a Democract with political clout (he was just using it for evil), and it may rally the Republicans around their candidates across the nation. Combine that with the fact that him running as an Independent can split Democratic votes, and throw the election to the Republican candidate (Joe "Ralph Nader" Lieberman).

Well, November should be interesting.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Need A Break From The Weekends!

Well it has arrived. The rest of the summer will be busy, busy, busy. Our house like a hotel. Got visitors coming each and every weekend until September and it started this weekend. Cousin-in-laws with their daughter, the same age as ours. It was a good weekend, the girls played together, and we get along with them very well. It was pretty much Beach and Playground for us.

They left Sunday afternoon, but as they were leaving, a couple of our college buddies shows up (we DID know they were coming) and we spent the rest of the day hanging out with them, finally getting alone time (no, not that kind) at 9pm. Whew! Talk about busy, I was glad to be at work.... no not really.

Well this week has the arrival of my folks. They'll be here for three weeks selling some of my dad's art at various festivals each weekend. It'll be good to spend sometime with them. Since we only get to see them a couple of times a year. The second weekend they're here, my brother, his daughter (and her son), plus my cousin will be coming. Talk about a packed house! Towards the end of my parents' visit, my sister is going to come up too. And that takes us pretty much into September.

Now I'm REALLY glad to see so much of my family. When it comes to family visits, mine really gets the shaft. I mean, not really by choice. Just that the majority of my family is a 3 hour flight, where as my in-laws are a 2 hour drive.

Again, I love the visits because I want my daughter to know her relatives (my family members have always been geographically distance from each other). However, we bought our house with KNOWING we had to do some work on it, and with all the trips and visitors, I haven't had a chance to do any big projects since early spring.

Ho hum.. the life of the popular.

Friday, June 30, 2006


I know I'm horrible at posting. I don't know why. Probably because I never feel I have much to say.

Finished up my first college course in 9 years. Managed an 'A'. Wasn't too hard. I'm glad to be done until the fall. I can actually read non-school stuff. I have a couple of poker books (huge poker junkie), and S is for Silence that I need to read.

It's summer time, and well, we have no time. I don't think there's a single weekend this summer where we don't have SOMETHING planned. I have family coming up for three weeks in August. We're going to be away from home the next 3 weekends, and people friends coming the TWO weekends after that. It's nice to see people, but sometimes I just want to relax. Not to mention that the house needs A LOT of work, and no time to do anything. I think the grass is taller than the house.

Back to the college thing: Holy crap there are some hot young girls in college these days! I had to start sitting in the front row, so I wasn't staring at the gorgeous asses in tight jeans. Yummy! Damn I'm old!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Father's Day, Kids Say The Darndest Things, and That was My Idea!

Father's day, and the family and I went to see, Cars. Funny movie (but I love Pixar movies). If you plan on seeing it. Stay for the credits. There is a hilarious scene where the cars are watching other Pixar movies. I had tears in my eyes.

I've noticed this trend for a few years now, so it really irks me. Many moons ago, when I was in college the first time, I took a marketing class. One of the projects, was to create an ad campaign for a niche product. Basically, something that there wasn't a big market for already. So my group (me and two girls) first weret going to do a better Playgirl. From what I was told (I swear I wouldn't know), Playgirl was pretty lame. The girls thought it was cheesey and had no real content, whereas Playboy has the adult side, but is more than just a nudie mag (It is???) Anyway, we ended up scrapping that idea (I had no problem doing it, I forgot why it was scrapped) and went with marketing a shower gel towards men. There wasn't one on the market, they were either gender neutral or aimed towards women. So we drew up storyboards, for a commercial and we thought we did really well. We only got a B on the project, and from the response and questions from the teacher, we felt he gave us that grade because he didn't think the product would sell. NOW I SEE COMMERCIALS FOR BODY GEL FOR MEN ALL THE TIME!!!! SOMEONE OWES US ROYALTIES!!!

One evening I was picking out books to read to my daughter before she goes to bed (she's 2 1/2). I asked her if she wanted Curious George. "No, it sucks."

Good night everybody.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Some Movie Reviews

Don't get all excited. As parents of a 2 1/2 year old and no family or babysitter in the area, we don't see movies in the theatres anymore. Which is a shame, since we LOVE to go. So now we have Netflix. Supposedly it's cheaper than renting. And it would be... If we didn't keep movies for 2-3 months before watching them. I swear every few months, Netflix must think we die.

The worst part... keeping BAD movies! UG! We had Brothers Grimm for 3 months. Watched 15 minutes of it, and sent it back.

Walk the Line... 2 months... Now that was good! (of course, for the same $30, we could have bought it).

Weather Man: Now this movie... this one had potential. We're big Nicholas Cage fans, and like most of his work. But this one... the best way to describe the feeling is: We were waiting for it to go somewhere... and it never got there. There just didn't seem like a purpose to the movie. There was supposed to be. About him growing as a person, I think, but they ran out of time or something. Kinda wish it was as bad as Brothers Grimm so we wouldn't have wasted 2 hours.

A History of Violence: Some surprisingly graphic sex scenes (for a non-porn movie, but some just as pointless as the plot to a porn). The acting was pretty bad for a non-Keanu Reeves flick. And seriously, I didn't care if his kids got hurt. I was kinda rooting for Ed Harris. And... HELLO!!!! William Hurt as a mob boss?!?!?!??! I don't think so. And being a former high school nerd (I say former cause I'm no longer in high school!), no one CARED that much if you caught their pop-fly in GYM SOFTBALL! And who hits a pop-fly and just strolls around anyway. Stupid movie!


Yup, we finally did make it to a movie in the theaters... and yes... it was a kids movie. We took our daughter to her first movie experience, and it went surprisingly well.

Over the Hedge: I love "kids" movies anyway, so it wasn't a burden to see this. The wife and I were buying Disney (Pixar/DreamWorks, etc) DVD's when they were released before our daughter was even a thought. We probably would have seen this anyway. Steve Carell, as Hammy, STOLE the movie. He was perfect. When they first find the hedge. "Let's call it, Steve. Steve is a nice name." And when Hammy finally gets a "power" drink. Very funny! If you're into the animated movies. Definitely worth seeing, theatre or otherwise.

This next weekend we're going to see Cars. Surprisingly, my daughter is very excited about this. Then again, she eats Play-Dough.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Wish We Were Out Of These Jerks.

This article was on the New York Daily News website yesterday 5/31/2006.

Dutch Pedophiles Form Political Party

Some people just disgust me. While I'm generally against the death penalty (it's not for moral reasons, it's just that we have an imperfect justice system), but things like this make me thing... the problem with the death penalty is that it's TOO tame! Screw lethal injection... it should be slow and painful.